Gordian Lawyers are specialists in Government procurement of ICT products and services and regularly advise ICT suppliers and Government on procurement of ICT goods and services, both at a transactional level and on policy.
We have advised on hundreds of government transactions from both sides of the fence, ranging from small consulting engagements, software licences, hardware sales, support agreements, systems integration agreements, through to multi-billion dollar outsourcing arrangements. Further, our principal lawyer, Mike Pym, has advised the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA), (the leading ICT industry association in Australia representing more than 450 members in every region and all ICT industries) on State and Federal Government procurement issues for more than 20 years (usually on a pro bono basis). He regularly advises ICT companies on the standard terms and conditions of ICT procurement in each of the States and Territories as well as the Federal Government
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Gordian Lawyers Pty Limited
ABN 78 121 066 733
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